A scheme of work on WaterAid ‘Claudia Sings’ for Component 1 Section A and B of the Eduqas A Level Media exam. Lessons cover: media language, narrative, audience and relevant set theories (Todorov, Propp, Barthes, Strauss, Hall, Gerbner, bell hooks and all ‘set’ representations theories).
Three lessons (taught as a 2 hour double and then single lesson) on the representations in the WaterAid ‘Claudia Sings’ advert for Component 1 Section A of the Eduqas A Level Media exam. Lessons cover: all representations and reps theories including a lesson which breaks down and analysis bll hooks theory in relation to WaterAid.
Full schemes of work on the set advertising and marketing products for Component 1 Sections A and B covering all areas of the theoretical framework and an exam style comparison question.
A lesson which incorporates peer assessment of a sample exam answer (from a real student) to the Component 2 Section A Eduqas GCSE media studies exam. The lesson breaks down and dissects an example exam question, peer assesses a sample answer and gives students the chance to write their own improved answer. The markers comments can be found on the EDUQAS secure website.
A full scheme of work of approx. 4/5 lessons on Component 1 Section B for Eduqas GCSE Media. These lessons cover all areas of the framework: contexts, audience, industry and exam questions, including some which are NOT SAMS (the SAMS mark scheme can be followed/adapted and used for these though) there is also a lesson which explores how to approach the ‘stepped’ questions in section B and gives advice on timing and command words. Also included is a full episode of The Archers during which the character Helen attempts to leave her husband Rob and subsequently stabs him - lessons make reference to this episode.
Lessons also make use of the Eduqas GCSE textbook and The Archers ‘fact sheet’.
A simple lesson exploring the concept of Postmodernism and Baudrillard’s theory for Eduqas A Level media.
The lesson assumes that students have some knowledge of postmodernism already and focuses on Component 2: TV in the Golden Age and documentaries (The Jinx and No Burqas Behind Bars) but can very easily be adapted for any analysis of any media products (Formation, Life on Mars, Riptide…).
A new and improved scheme of lessons on Pride and GQ for Eduqas GCSE media. Lessons cover: media language, contexts, representations, media theory. This also includes lessons on more challenging theory such as bell hooks (taken from the A Level spec) and an unseen comparison with an example essay from a student!
A detailed range of lessons on Luther and TV crime drama for Eduqas GCSE media studies. These lessons cover the whole Eduqas specification: media language, genre and narrative, representations, industry, audience, contexts and exam practice. This makes use of wider TV crime drama texts and the Eduqas textbook.
A detailed scheme of lessons on Luther and The Sweeney for Eduqas GCSE media studies. These lessons cover the whole Eduqas specification: media language, genre and narrative, representations, industry, audience, contexts and exam practice. This was taught over a term and makes use of wider TV crime drama texts and the Eduqas textbook.
A lesson or two for Eduqas A Level Media (component 1) which explores the use of media language on the advert for Tide and applies relevenat theories: Barthes, Strauss, Bandura.
Grade boundaries for: overall qualification (taken from Eduqas), individual units, individual questions. This can be used to provide students with a ‘grade’ for every piece of work they complete whether that be an exam style question or Mock exam.
This is based on the 1 - 9 boundaries from Summer 2019.
A full scheme of work for Eduqas GCSE Media Studies on TV Crime Drama, Luther and The Sweeney. This covers all aspects of the specification, a range of theories, includes practice exam questions, and makes use to the Eduqas textbook and other TV crime dramas which can be adapted to the teachers choice.
''No Burqas Behind Bars" - A scheme of lesson focusing on: context, genre and media language, representations, industry and audience for A Level Eduqas Media Studies component 2 section A.
All elements of the theoretical framework are covered and homework tasks are planned.
Lessons also refer to The Jinx and wider documentary TV.
Makes use to the Eduqas Year 1 and Year 2 A Level textbooks and resources from the website. Also refers to ‘example’ essays which can be found via the CPD section of the WJEC secure website.
A complete lesson focusing on how to successfully answer Q2a on Paper one of EDUQAS GCSE MEDIA. This lesson mainly focuses on Quality Street and explores relevant historical context, but also includes an example answer (from a student) based on This Girl Can. The lesson can be easily adapted to focus on any of the set products for Paper 1 Section A.
Approx 6/7 lessons on the set magazine products for Component 2 Section B of A Level Media: codes and conventions, context, media language and representations. These lessons make use of the Eduqas resources and the textbooks.
The Eduqas past and SAMS mark schemes can be adapted and used to mark the exam questions included in certain lessons.
More lessons on industry and audience to follow…!
A lesson which introduces some basic camera angles and explores camera movements, analyses the camera angles used in print based media and a film trailer and a practical task which encourages students to take some still images using a range of different angles.
This lesson is a great introduction to the skills required for the NEA.
A complete unit of work on the Eduqas set product Quality Steet and print based advertising. Updated fro September 2022. All aspects of the theoretical framework are covered with lessons on: product context (1950s and the class system), media language, colour, gender, gender theory, age, representations, exam practice on all questions.
A lesson which explores the concept of sound, sound terminology and the effect of, and importance of, sound in communicating meaning.
A great introduction of teaching music videos (or any AV media where sound will be explored in depth!)
A fun, festive lesson which analyses the uss of media language in a range of print based Christmas adverts. Links nicely to any teaching of print based advertising and Eduqas GCSE Media Paper 1.
Detailed and comprehensive lessons covering all aspects of the specification for Paper 2 Section A. These lessons cover: genre, media language, character roles, technical codes and conventions for Luther and The Sweeney. Also included is a TV Crime Drama Knowledge organiser.